FB/Instagram Ads Services: Connect, Engage, and Grow

Facebook and Instagram are great for social media advertising. Get your brand noticed and reach a whole new audience with our Facebook and Instagram ad services. As a leading digital marketing company, we know how important it is for your business to launch high-performing FB/Insta campaigns.

Benefits of FB/Instagram Ads

Businesses can benefit from Facebook and Instagram advertising in the time of modern digital marketing. These are the main benefits of using Facebook/Instagram ads:

Extensive Reach

Facebook and Instagram have billions of active users, so they can reach a wide audience. FB/Instagram ads let you reach potential customers wherever they are online, no matter your target demographic.

Highly Targeted Advertising

With Facebook and Instagram, you can target your ideal audience with ease. You can target your ads with demographics, interests, behaviors, and custom audiences to specific groups.

Visual Storytelling

You can use Facebook and Instagram ads to impress your audience with visual content. We’ll help you showcase your products uniquely and visually attractively, whether it’s stunning images, engaging videos, or a carousel ad.

Increased Engagement

User engagement is higher on Facebook and Instagram since users actively engage with content. FB/Instagram ads build brands by engaging target audiences with likes, comments, shares, or clicks.

Flexible Ad Formats

Instagram and Facebook offer a variety of ad formats to suit different marketing objectives and creative preferences. Different ad formats are available for driving traffic, generating leads, and promoting products.

Measurable Results

The Facebook and Instagram analytics tools allow you to track the performance of your ads. Measure key metrics, such as reach, impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on ad spend (ROAS), and optimize your advertising efforts for better results.

FB/Instagram Ads Services

Facebook/Instagram Ads Process

At Appco Software, our Facebook and Instagram ad services provide all-in-one solutions for your marketing needs. We do this with the help of a dedicated team of award-winning experts who will be with you every step of the way.

Discovery and Strategy Development

Before we start working on your project, we need information like what your business does, who you’re trying to reach, and what your competitors do. After research, we create customized Facebook/Instagram ads for each company.

Audience Targeting and Segmentation

We use advanced audience targeting options offered by both platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Whether it’s demographics, interests, behaviors, or custom audiences, we group them accordingly.

Ad Creative Development

We design eye-catching ad creatives that drive engagement and get attention. Your brand message will be clearly visible with our creative FB/IG ad services.

Campaign Setup & Launch

We take care of everything when it comes to setting up FB/IG ad campaigns, such as creating accounts, configuring ad sets, and placing ads.

Bid Optimization & Budget Management

By constantly monitoring how well bids perform against each other while not overspending the budget, we make sure every cent spent helps us reach our set goals.

Performance Tracking & Reporting

We give you detailed, transparent, and easy-to-understand reports. The statistics include impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROAS to measure advertising effectiveness.


You can create ads using the Meta Ads Manager, where you can set up campaigns, ad sets, and individual ads. You can also create ads directly from your Facebook Page or Instagram profile.

There are several ad formats to choose from, including images, videos, carousels, collections, and stories. Each format offers unique ways to showcase your products or services.

Yes, Facebook/Instagram allows you to create custom audiences based on user behavior, demographics, and interests. You can also use lookalike audiences to reach people like your existing customers.

The cost of ads can vary based on several factors, including bidding strategy, audience, and ad placement. You can set a budget that works for your business and only pay for clicks or impressions.

Meta Ads Manager provides detailed reporting metrics that allow you to track the performance of your campaigns, ad sets, and individual ads. You can analyze results and run reports to optimize your strategy.

Placement optimization helps your ads to be shown to your target audience in the most effective spaces across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network.

You can set up a payment method in the Meta Ads Manager. You’ll be billed for your ads based on the billing threshold or at the end of the billing period, depending on which comes first.

With our team of qualified and certified professionals, we are one of the leading companies in the field of performance marketing in India. Our decade of experience working with a wide range of clients makes us the ideal choice for you to work with.

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