Shopify Speed Optimization Services

Speed up your Shopify store and increase the user experience with our Shopify Speed Optimization services. We optimize your site to deliver top-notch performance so it loads faster and converts better. Get your Shopify store optimized today!

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    Speed up your Shopify store with Appco Software

    We can help you achieve even more, reach a wider audience, and leave an unforgettable experience with our Shopify Speed Optimization services.

    Enhanced User Experience

    Visitors will enjoy a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience with lightning-fast load times. As users navigate your site effortlessly, you’ll see lower bounce rates and more engagement.

    Increased Conversions

    A faster load time leads to a higher conversion rate. When your site responds quickly, visitors are more likely to take action. A better user experience and faster checkout processes result in more sales, sign-ups, and inquiries.

    Reduced Bounce Rates

    Speed optimization increases visitor engagement and encourages them to explore more content, which reduces bounce rates. A fast and smooth website experience increases visitor retention.

    Higher Conversion Rates

    Search engines love fast websites! A faster website will rank higher and be visible in search results, leading to more organic traffic.

    Mobile Optimization

    Responsive design and quick load times on smartphones and tablets cater specifically to mobile users due to the increase in mobile browsing.

    Competitive Advantage

    Boost your brand’s digital presence with a fast, responsive website. Impress visitors with your site’s performance and professionalism.

    Shopify Speed Optimization: What We Have to Offer

       90+ Score Guarantee:

    On mobile and desktop, your website will score 90+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. Our only goal is a smooth user experience.

      Core Web Vitals:

    We optimize your web vitals by optimizing FCP, LCP, CLS, and FID to help you pass Google’s PSI assessment.

     Chat Support:

    Our subject-matter experts are available around the clock so you can receive quick answers and support whenever you need it.

     100% Money-Back Guarantee:

    If we don’t deliver the results, we guarantee you will get a full refund. Every service comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

     10 Years Experience:

    We have a team of specialists with more than a decade of hands-on experience in site speed optimization.

     Loads in 2 seconds:

    With our speed optimization service, your site loads faster, and you will notice reduced bounce rates.

     Customized Solutions:

    We don’t follow a one-size-fits-all model. We understand that every site is unique, so our team creates custom optimization solutions.

     High-End Security:

    Our team takes extra steps to ensure your site is secure. To protect your site, we use encryption and the top security methods.

     Performance Monitoring:

    As we monitor your website’s performance on the go, we provide insights and make adjustments as needed.

    Shopify Speed Optimization Process

    Our team at Appco Software optimizes your store according to the latest industry standards.

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    Site Audit and Analysis


    Optimization & Enhancement


    Speed Optimization Report

    How a Slow Site Can Affect Your Business

    Unhappy Customers

    When your Shopify store loads too slowly, customers might leave before even checking out your products. This type of bad experience can lead to losing potential customers who could have given you a lot of business.

    Drop in SERPs

    You could lose out on organic traffic and sales if you have a slow store. Google is looking for fast-loading websites in its rankings. The SEO efforts that you put forth can also be lost if Google penalizes your site.

    Lower Conversion Rates

    Believe it or not, speed has a direct impact on conversion rates. Having a slow store, for example, can make you bounce more and abandon your cart more. If your site takes a second longer to load, you lose sales and revenue.

    Shopify Page Speed Optimization



    90+ SCORE


    2-3 DAYS


    Our Shopify Speed Optimization Live Results, You can Test!

    • Before

    • After

    • View Live Speed

    • Before

    • After

    • View Live Speed

    • Before

    • After

    • View Live Speed

    • Before

    • After

    • View Live Speed

    Why Appco Software is the Best Shopify Speed Optimization Company

    As a leading provider of Shopify speed optimization services, Appco Software can help you optimize your Shopify store. Here is why you should choose us:

    01 Customer Satisfaction

    From start to finish, we provide a seamless customer experience. We help businesses deliver data-driven results.

    02 Tailor-Made Approach

    Every customer has different project requirements. So, we develop and design customized solutions for each client.

    03 Latest Optimization Methods

    As a leading IT company, we use the latest and top-notch tools and services to deliver the best possible results.

    04 Morals and Ethics

    Over the years, we have maintained a solid reputation on the market. We do not promote or use unethical ways to speed up your site.

    05 Transparency

    We only offer what we have and what we can. We don’t boast about achieving unrealistic numbers. From start to end, we show our moves transparently.

    06 Top-Notch Team

    Our subject-matter experts are highly skilled and have years of experience in Shopify speed optimization operations.



    -One Time Fee

    $199 USD

    $99 USD

    • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
    • 65+ Google Mobile Speed Test
    • Upto 3 secs Load time on Gtmetrix
    • Same design and functionality


    -One Time Fee

    $299 USD

    $199 USD

    • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
    • 80+ Google Mobile Speed Test
    • Upto 3 secs Load time on Gtmetrix
    • Same design and functionality
    • Detailed SEO Audit Report


    -One Time Fee

    $399 USD

    $299 USD

    • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
    • 90+ Google Mobile Speed Test
    • Upto 3 secs Load time on Gtmetrix
    • May require design and functionality change
    • Detailed SEO Audit Report


    -One Time Fee

    $1275 USD

    $999 USD

    • Guaranteed 90% Poor URLs & Core Web Vitals Fixed on GSC
    • Guaranteed Core Web Vitals Assessment: Passed
    • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
    • 90+ Google Mobile Speed Test
    • May require design and functionality change
    • Detailed SEO Audit Report


    Shopify speed optimization services are designed to make your Shopify store faster by optimizing code, images, and loading times. The goal is to boost conversions, improve search engine rankings, and enhance the user experience.

    Shopify stores with slow loading times can suffer from poor performance. The loading time of your website can influence bounce rates, conversions, and customer satisfaction. You can improve these numbers and attract more customers by optimizing the speed of your store.

    Google and other search engines consider page loading time in their ranking algorithms. Your store could be penalized in search engine results pages (SERPs) if your website is slow.

    A speed optimization service may cost more or less depending on the requirements you have. To get a complete audit report and an estimated budget, contact us now.

    If you notice slow loading times, high bounce rates, low conversion rates, and poor search engine rankings for specific keywords –it’s a clear sign that your Shopify store needs speed optimization.

    Not at all. The design of your Shopify store will not be changed. We will only use optimization techniques to speed up your store. That’s it.

    2 to 3 working days and max 7 working days

    Having been a leader in speed optimization for years, we can deliver the maximum results in no time. We have a top-notch team of professionals who are dedicated to delivering data-driven results.

    Let Us Build Your Store

    Get started now! We are passionate about helping business owners succeed and strive to provide the best web development solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business.