Terms & Conditions


As a company, all of our agreements are valid under the Companies Act 1956 and the Information Technology Act 2000. An agreement is the confirmation of an online order by the Customer, which describes the items ordered, features, prices, and banking information where applicable, as well as these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. 

In contract formation, if proposals, acceptances, and cancellations are communicated through electronic means or records, the resulting contract cannot be considered invalid solely because of its electronic form.

The terms “Client,” “You,” and “Your” refer to you, the individual using this website and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Company. “The Company,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us,” refer to our Company. The terms “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us,” include both the Client and the Company. 

Customer(s), Client(s), Consumer(s)

The services offered by AppcoSoftware are available to any individual, organization, or legal entity. They are not subject to section 45-Z of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. 


AppcoSoftware, Customer, Client, and User Visitor.

Personal Data
Personal data or personal information, as defined by the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011, refers to any information related to a natural person. This information, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other available data, is capable of identifying that individual.

Data and Information Rights
The data owner/provider (the customer) has the right to:

  • Review the information provided.
  • Request rectification of website mistakes.
  • Request edits and upgrades to the Website.
  • Withdraw consent is required for personal information collection and use during the contractual agreement.


The Products are described in section 6 of this document.


E-Commerce Solutions, Support, and Maintenance and Updates.


AppcoSoftware provides support, assistance, and maintenance services. These services include support, maintenance, and upgrades under the license. Sometimes, updates can be a real challenge. If, after updating to the new version, your website design or functionality changes, that would be a subject of project reconsideration.

Technical Requirements

AppcoSoftware recommends the latest hardware and system specifications suitable for smooth website operations. Aside from that, they should upgrade their hardware and systems in line with any changes to technical requirements.

Log Files

Appco Software uses log files just like any other website hosting service. These log files record data about visitors whenever they access the website. The data collected includes:

  • IP address (which is like your internet home address)
  • Type of browser used (like Chrome or Safari, or another)
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) (the company that gives you internet service)
  • Date and time of the visit
  • Pages you entered or left from
  • And sometimes, how many times you clicked on something

This information is pretty standard and doesn’t reveal who you are personally. It’s mainly used to look at visitor trends, manage the site, see how people move around on the site, and understand the general profile of visitors.

Information We Collect & Why

Collecting Your Details: We’ll always tell you why we need your personal info when we ask for it.

Direct Contact: If you reach out to us, we might get more details like your name, email, phone number, and any messages or files you send.

Signing Up: When you sign up for an account, we’ll need some basic contact details from you.

We use your information for:

  • Run our website smoothly
  • Make our website better for you
  • Understand how you use our site
  • Create new content, like products or features
  • Talk with you about support, updates, or marketing
  • Email you with news or offers

Recipients of Personal Data

AppcoSoftware commits to taking all necessary precautions to prevent the alteration, damage, modification, fraud, or unauthorized access of Personal Data. We implement appropriate organizational and technical measures to maintain this data’s security, integrity, and confidentiality. Our goal is to safeguard it from unauthorized third-party access or manipulation.

Personal Data Provided to Government Agencies and Bodies

Depending on the regulations, Personal Data can be shared with government bodies, court officers, ministerial officials, and debt collection agencies upon request.

Personal Data Provided to Third-parties

We agree to not sell, transfer or disclose the Personal Data of our clients and users to any third parties except when the authorities ask us to, as mentioned above in Section 17.2.

Customer’s Right to Oppose, Correct, and Delete Personal Data

The customer has the right to access, challenge, modify, correct, stash, deny, and delete their personal info.

In addition, customers can oppose, deny, pause, and restrict how their Personal Data is used as long as they have legitimate reasons, and they can also oppose, deny, pause, and restrict the use of that data for prospecting or sales. The assurance doesn’t apply to data processed globally and anonymously for statistical purposes.

Send an email to support@AppcoSoftware.in or the “Contact” page to request your rights.

Children’s Information

Our Commitment to Children’s Safety: We believe it’s super important to protect kids when they’re online. That’s why we suggest that parents and guardians keep an eye on their children’s internet use.

Our Policy for Kids: AppcoSoftware doesn’t collect personal information from kids under 13 on purpose. If you think your child has given us personal details, please let us know immediately. Our team promises to remove it as soon as possible.

Application of General Terms and Conditions

AppcoSoftware is a leading provider of website design and development, app design and development, marketing services, and much more. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale specify the technical, legal, and financial terms under which the company provides its customers.

Acceptance and Enforceability of The General Terms and Conditions

In accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the Customer confirms that it has read, understood, and accepted them. As a Customer, you represent that you have the legal capacity to enter into a contract and that you hold all necessary authorizations and powers. 

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are regularly reminded to the Customer at the bottom of every order form. The terms and conditions apply to all customers. As a result, every order placed on AppcoSoftware.com is unconditionally accepted by the Customer. 

We suggest you print these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and save a copy. In addition, AppcoSoftware reserves the right to send a copy of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale to anyone who requests it.

Revisions and Notification
AppcoSoftware reserves the right to revise these General Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time. Revisions will be announced on AppcoSoftware.in whenever possible. Customers are advised to regularly consult the General Terms and Conditions of Sale before placing further orders.

Acceptance of Revisions
Acceptance of revised terms occurs as defined in the clause titled “Acceptance and Enforceability of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.” Using the application after the effective date of revision implies acceptance.

Effective Date and Applicability
Revised terms come into force on the date of publication unless otherwise specified. The version applicable to an order is based on the payment confirmation date.

Superseding Previous Interactions
Unless stated otherwise, the revised terms cancel and supersede all prior interactions between the parties.

Exceptions to these terms are enforceable only if duly agreed upon and recorded in a written document signed by AppcoSoftware.

Project Termination

Any breach of contractual obligations will automatically terminate the Agreement without the Parties incurring any liability. A formal notice is served by registered mail with a return receipt requested 15 business days after the breach was discovered without response.

Force Majeure

Neither party shall be held liable for delays, non-performance, or breaches related to the order or warranty due to force majeure or unusual circumstances.

In addition to situations recognized by international courts, force majeure, and unforeseen circumstances include:

  • Total or partial strikes (internal or external to the company)
  • Lockouts
  • Adverse weather conditions
  • Interruption of transport facilities or supply chains
  • Earthquakes and seismic waves
  • Fire, storms, floods, water damage
  • Acts of God
  • Statutory or governmental restrictions
  • Regulatory changes affect marketing
  • Computer breakdowns
  • Telecommunications service interruptions (cable or mobile networks)

Initially, force majeure suspends performance. If it lasts more than three months (unless otherwise agreed), these General Terms and Conditions of Sale automatically terminate without formal notice.

In such cases, neither party is liable for the total or partial non-performance of their obligations.


If any provision in the General Terms and Conditions is declared invalid due to nullity, voidness, lack of binding effect, or unenforceability under the application of a law, regulation, or final court ruling, this declaration will not affect the remaining provisions. Those provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable for all contracting parties. In such cases, the parties may agree to replace or change the invalid provision(s).


The Website stores information about the Customer’s browsing. This information may be stored for up to 13 months according to the applicable regulations. Cookies can’t be used to identify the customer. Using the Website may be restricted if the Customer disables cookies in their web browser settings.

Intellectual Property

AppcoSoftware owns all the intellectual property rights to the content of the Website it created. Customer & visitor/user agree not to copy, reproduce, replicate, or download its content without AppcoSoftware’s written permission. Copying, reproducing, replicating, or downloading AppcoSoftware’s website content is illegal and may result in legal action.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy will be governed by Indian law. 

In the event of a disagreement or dispute regarding validity, interpretation, implications, performance, consequences, or expiration, the courts in Jaipur, Rajasthan (India) will have jurisdiction.

For disputes related to the formation, interpretation, validity, performance, amendment, or termination of a contract between AppcoSoftware and a trading customer or disputes regarding liability (whether in tort or otherwise), the courts of Jaipur, Rajasthan (India) will be the reference.

Disputes concerning the contractual relations established between a non-trading customer and AppcoSoftware will be referred to according to the local law provisions governing jurisdiction assignment.